7QT #5

Another week, another Friday link-up with Jen!

You guys...I am so so so excited/jealous for the Edel Gathering. I know that in all likelihood, I won't be able to attend this year -- with our little one due at the end of May, and an already-crazed summer full of activities, it's not gonna happen for me this year.


It makes me excited because just because I can't go this year doesn't mean I won't be able to go in the future. So y'all best have an amazing time and make it sound so amazing to all the rest of us that can't make it that you'll be forced to put on another one. 
(Also, Venerable Edel Quinn is awesomesauce. Read about her here.)

It has been cold as BUTTS here in Lincoln recently. I think somehow we escaped some of that nasty Arctic cold the country was complaining talking about recently, but the past two days were terrible.

Mind you, that was at 9:00 a.m.
This morning was a bit better at a whopping 5° but yikes, it's even too cold to go get the mail in the middle of the day. You know that means it's bad out, at least by Hannah-who-is-obsessed-with-mail standards.

Bonnie at A Knotted Life had a great post this week about blogging, and doing it well. If you haven't yet, go check it out.

As a relatively new blogger her advice was spot-on. I'll admit that I don't have a defined "purpose" yet for blogging, but I'm now thinking about it more...at least a step in the right direction, right?

Plus the link she shared for my new adorable social media buttons was awesome (and free!). If you're in need of some new buttons, check 'em out. They come in pretty much every color imaginable.

Caitlin already mentioned this on her blog but my hands-down all-time favorite band is getting back together! And they have a new fabulous single!

Nickel Creek is what I suppose they call "alternative" bluegrass, which means they have amazing vocals and modern lyrics all set to a beautiful mess of banjo and guitar and violin. They're like, a more bluegrassy and less-popular version of Mumford & Sons, and they're fantastic. They broke up in 2005 or 2006 but are coming out with a new album. YAY.

Needless to say I about peed my pants when I heard the news. Go give their new one a listen and check out their website, and then listen to every song they've ever done because every one of them is amazing.

I am quickly running out of things to write about...uh oh...

Oh! I finished up my square for the QOV stitch-along hosted by Cari at Clan Donaldson. Here's my finished product (minus ironing and trimming off the stray edges):

I had a ton of fun stitching this one. I am in love with bunting and I'm trying to think of gender-neutral ways to work it into the baby's room, but every idea I have is preeetty girly. So I'm using it anywhere and everywhere else I can! Patriotic, no?

I am so beyond stoked for the Opening Ceremonies tonight. I know they get long and somewhat boring after awhile, but nothing makes me feel like a real American bursting with patriotic-ness than the Olympics.

If there were ever a day that I wish the game True American were real (from New Girl) and that I were also temporarily not pregnant (so I could consume alcoholic beverages) tonight would be the night.
Oh well.

Also, if you're looking for a twitter account to follow to make you somewhat weep for Russia and also laugh out loud at translations, go to @SochiFails
Sad. But hilarious.

Happy weekend everyone!
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


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