7QT #26: around the webs

So, Caitlin is on her honeymoon this week. I started writing her an email to tell her of all the wonderful things she was probably missing on the internet, and then realized that she shouldn't be the only one privy to all this wonderfulness! So, dear readers, I've decided to share with you. It's your lucky day! I'm joining Kelly who's in for Jen this week for a good link-up. As per usual.

1. Death Comes to Pemberley

If you're as Austen-obsessed as I have been since a pre-teen girl, this is a must-watch. It's currently available free to stream on the PBS website so get your butt over there and watch it now! Death Comes to Pemberley is a novel by P. D. James, and now they've adapted it into a Masterpiece movie. What more could you want? Also, for all you Doctor Who fans (more on that later), Jenna Coleman plays a perfect (and I mean perfect) Lydia, so don't miss it.

2. Death of Conversation

image copyright babycakes romero (via)
I thought this photo series was really telling - and also rather embarrassing. This photographer takes photos of groups of people all on their smart phones. I had a viscerally upsetting reaction to these photos, both because I am so so guilty of doing this and because it is a really disheartening thing to see in so many instances. Here's to a new resolution to putting my phone away when I'm around the people I love and enjoying actual human interaction with a purpose.

3. Taylor Swift's Blank Space video

(embedded video...link to it here)

Yeah, it's buzzing around the internet like...well, a Taylor Swift music video. It's worth a watch though because it so perfectly plays into and against every single TSwizzle stereotype ever. Her music video director is a super genius for getting her to do this. (Or whosever job it is to do that...I'm a little foggy on the deets.) Also, this article explains why and how she does what she does and it's definitely worth a read - thank you to an old priest friend on Facebook for sharing it with me.

4. Jimmy Fallon + Bradley Cooper Laugh Fest

(another embedded video...link here here here)

Okay, you've also probably seen this already - it's a little old. But if you haven't taken the time to watch 2 grown, famous men laugh ridiculously cutely for approximately 10 solid minutes, it is worth your while. Talk about a mood lightener! Jimmy's laugh comes in a close second to Amy Poehler's laugh out of laughs-I-love-of-famous-people (also Kevin from the Office and Tina Fey are on that list, it's a weird obsession, don't judge me) so this video is pure gold. Or if you want, save it for a rainy/snowy day mood lifter.

5. Fly Over Me

photo by Lauren Justice, via Fly Over Me blog
So, I met some pretty cool people as an English major at UNL, including a group of students who, just for fun, decided to document the life in small-town Nebraska - Valentine, to be exact. There was a Kickstarter campaign (fully funded and more), a blog, and now there's a documentary in the works. I just saw this article on Facebook and needed to share it. If you've ever wondered what Nebraska was like, or if you're a sentimental Nebraskan like me, it's definitely worth the read.

6. Once Upon a Time

Yep, I'm going to write more about my current TV obsession. (You've been warned.) Now, Kendra and I agree about a lot of things...and I found out again this week that includes how wonderful OUAT is. Go read this recent post of hers and then click "Start Watching" on Netflix. I'm pretty sure you won't regret it.

7. Doctor Who

Series 8 has ended - cue sad music. And although I haven't season the two-part season finale episodes yet (I'm looking at you, David), I'm a little disappointed with this season. Perhaps the finales will redeem it, but for me this has been a rather lackluster time for the Doctor and Clara. Now this isn't to say that you shouldn't be watching Doctor Who (you definitely should!) but just to say that I hope series 9 picks up a little bit and brings back some of the writing and characterization we all love so much. //end sad rant

Got anything else out there on the internet I've missed? Hit me up in the comments! (And head to This Ain't the Lyceum this week for more Quick Takes!)

Until next week -


  1. Sorry, going a little comment crazy over here! I'm also a Once watcher, but mostly because I got super hooked on that first season and can't stop watching now, even though it's gotten kind of annoying. I dunno how to explain it, it's just cheesy and kind of predictable and some of the story lines are a stretch at this point. Anywho, I'd love to hear what you think once you're caught up to current episodes, season 3 I think.

    Also, we only watched the first 3 episodes of the newest Who season, but that's only bc we don't have cable and didn't want to pay for each episode. We'll def watch them once they're on Hulu, but I'm totally bummed to hear you say you were disappointed. I wasn't sure how to feel yet only 3 episodes in... now I feel like I NEED to get caught up!


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