crushing hard
I love online shopping.
Don't get me wrong, I'm old-fashioned in a lot of ways. I love curling up with a big pile of yarn and a pair of needles, and I'm often found with a good old-fashioned mug of steaming tea on a cold day. But I love to online shop, and hard.
There's nothing quite like the feeling of the mailman trekking his way up to your porch with a long-anticipated package in his/her hand, opening the door, and getting to rip into this thing sent just! to! you!
This Christmas, David and I are getting each other one big present (more on that some other day) so I can't fulfill my itch to online-shop to my heart's content for him and others in my life. And Kate is still too little to even understand or like presents, so she's out the window too. But as I still love to browse, I've collected some of the things I'm crushing on for you to also drool over.
You're welcome!
{left} shirred body suit from the Gap, $30
If I could, I'd get 7 of these so Kate could wear them every day. They are just too adorable.
{middle} block set from Target, $19
Kate's not quite big enough to enjoy these yet, seeing as she's just getting the hang of putting her own hands into her mouth, let alone manipulating other objects into something. But I'm getting excited for when she can by looking at all these cute toys.
{right} Freshly Picked neon pink moccasins, $60
As far as crawling, Kate's slowwwwly getting there. She can scooch backwards mostly, and I think some mocs might help her either get motivated to actually crawl, or even move forward to steps (eee gads!).
{left} Dominion card game on Amazon, $28
David and I have been on a game kick lately. I got him Race for the Galaxy for his birthday (our game obsession deserves its own post, really) and I'm dying to add this one to our collection next. We've played it before with friends, and l-o-v-e-d it. Highly recommend.
{middle} Flip video camera, $275
So, yeah this is more than we would probably ever spend on a gift for one another. But I'm worried that our iPhone videos aren't going to be documentation enough for our babies when they're bigger. So I'd love to get him a camcorder of some sort, and this is portable and has tons of store.
{right} UO Lakeshore parka, $129
David's got a really nice peacoat that he wears with his suit & tie (JT, anyone?) to work pretty much every day during the winter. I'd love to get him another coat to wear on the weekend or to more casual events so we can keep his other one nice. Heck, I'd wear this coat. It's awesome-looking.
{left} Long down puffer coat from the Gap, $158
I have a $30 reward at the Gap burning a large hole in my pocket, and this coat is the top of the pops on the list right now. I discovered last year that I have a lot of medium-weight coats that are nicer, and a lot of super-warm coats that are, well, not nicer - so this would be a happy medium.
{middle} Essential Elegance Skirt from Modcloth, $70
I've been dreaming of a skirt like this for awhile now. (Just ask David how many times I've talked about it in the last 3's a lot.) And Modcloth, of course, has the perfect fit. Isn't she gorgeous?
{right} Yes Please by Amy Poehler, $15
I've loved Amy Poehler since I saw her on the Caitlin skits for SNL a heckuva long time ago. And then she became Leslie Knope, one of the best TV characters ever written. I'm dying to read her book so I can learn the tricks of how she got to be so awesome.
Unfortunately, compiling this list for us doesn't get the rest of my Christmas shopping done for me. Darn. What's on your Christmas list that I can steal and gift to someone else?
Don't get me wrong, I'm old-fashioned in a lot of ways. I love curling up with a big pile of yarn and a pair of needles, and I'm often found with a good old-fashioned mug of steaming tea on a cold day. But I love to online shop, and hard.
There's nothing quite like the feeling of the mailman trekking his way up to your porch with a long-anticipated package in his/her hand, opening the door, and getting to rip into this thing sent just! to! you!
This Christmas, David and I are getting each other one big present (more on that some other day) so I can't fulfill my itch to online-shop to my heart's content for him and others in my life. And Kate is still too little to even understand or like presents, so she's out the window too. But as I still love to browse, I've collected some of the things I'm crushing on for you to also drool over.
You're welcome!
for baby
{left} shirred body suit from the Gap, $30
If I could, I'd get 7 of these so Kate could wear them every day. They are just too adorable.
{middle} block set from Target, $19
Kate's not quite big enough to enjoy these yet, seeing as she's just getting the hang of putting her own hands into her mouth, let alone manipulating other objects into something. But I'm getting excited for when she can by looking at all these cute toys.
{right} Freshly Picked neon pink moccasins, $60
As far as crawling, Kate's slowwwwly getting there. She can scooch backwards mostly, and I think some mocs might help her either get motivated to actually crawl, or even move forward to steps (eee gads!).
for him
{left} Dominion card game on Amazon, $28
David and I have been on a game kick lately. I got him Race for the Galaxy for his birthday (our game obsession deserves its own post, really) and I'm dying to add this one to our collection next. We've played it before with friends, and l-o-v-e-d it. Highly recommend.
{middle} Flip video camera, $275
So, yeah this is more than we would probably ever spend on a gift for one another. But I'm worried that our iPhone videos aren't going to be documentation enough for our babies when they're bigger. So I'd love to get him a camcorder of some sort, and this is portable and has tons of store.
{right} UO Lakeshore parka, $129
David's got a really nice peacoat that he wears with his suit & tie (JT, anyone?) to work pretty much every day during the winter. I'd love to get him another coat to wear on the weekend or to more casual events so we can keep his other one nice. Heck, I'd wear this coat. It's awesome-looking.
for her
{left} Long down puffer coat from the Gap, $158
I have a $30 reward at the Gap burning a large hole in my pocket, and this coat is the top of the pops on the list right now. I discovered last year that I have a lot of medium-weight coats that are nicer, and a lot of super-warm coats that are, well, not nicer - so this would be a happy medium.
{middle} Essential Elegance Skirt from Modcloth, $70
I've been dreaming of a skirt like this for awhile now. (Just ask David how many times I've talked about it in the last 3's a lot.) And Modcloth, of course, has the perfect fit. Isn't she gorgeous?
{right} Yes Please by Amy Poehler, $15
I've loved Amy Poehler since I saw her on the Caitlin skits for SNL a heckuva long time ago. And then she became Leslie Knope, one of the best TV characters ever written. I'm dying to read her book so I can learn the tricks of how she got to be so awesome.
Unfortunately, compiling this list for us doesn't get the rest of my Christmas shopping done for me. Darn. What's on your Christmas list that I can steal and gift to someone else?
No joke, I was totally planning on doing a gift suggestion post soon. Also, we LOVE Dominion. So I totally trust your game recs and am thinking of buying Race for the Galaxy as a surprise Christmas present for John. Have you guys ever played Pandemic? One of my all-time favorite games for 2 players. And Agricola, but that's a lot more competitive.