social distancing diary, day 10

Well, we're living in some strange times, comrades.

David's been working from home for over a week already, and since Kitty was on spring break last week and schools are officially canceled through the end of March here, we're a little bit farther into the "social distancing" concept than most people. I did "the big shop" last Monday morning at Costco (ahem Derry Girls fans, ahem), went out once on Wednesday morning to get coffee because I was feeling claustrophobic, had to take Kitty to get a chest x-ray for a spiked fever on Friday morning, and then really haven't left the house since then.

To be frank, it's not super different from our normal schedule at home with a napping-twice-a-day baby, except I'm not leaving every day to pick Kitty up from school, and I can't find little errand excuses to run out and get coffee on my way to somewhere. My beloved nanny time each week has been canceled, too, which makes my heart hurt but of course is for the best!

I'm an enneagram 5, which is number one the reason I love Twitter (getting all the varied news before it's really disseminated to a general public) and it's both a blessing and a curse at a time like this. It means that any time I open my laptop to try and get some work done, I get sucked into reading a billion articles about COVID-19, how to mitigate, what the long-term ramifications are, and I can't get actual work done because my brain keeps going YOU NEED TO KNOW MORE. In an effort to channel that, I've put this offer out on social media and will repeat it here for the blog: if you need some good articles, I've got you covered -- email me or DM me on Instagram or comment here and I can send you stuff! There's a lot of the general public who aren't as devoted to knowing what's going on at all times as I am, and I want to help.

Anyway, we're being forced to "homeschool" which right now involves a lot of coloring pages, Kitty demanding worksheet after worksheet, and me trying valiantly to finish up work at the dining room table. We got an email about school-from-home from Kitty's teacher yesterday and to say I am overwhelmed would be an understatement but we're gonna get through it, and if not everything gets done, I think it will be okay.

A few Amazon links below, you've been warned.

In an effort to distance ourselves from the constant stream of news and updates, David is playing Zelda Breath of the Wild (on borrow from a friend, in the nick of time before social distancing), we're watching The Expanse (available on Amazon Prime) which has some eerily similar parallels in a very-distanced way, I'm reading book 3 of the Mistborn series, The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson, and I'm listening to the Close Reads podcast about Anne of Green Gables which is delightful at a time such as this (I had to hold myself back from picking it up again to read along because it's just so heart-warming, but I read it last year or the year before and I don't need it again.

We're also FaceTiming family a lot, playing card games, baking bread in our bread machine, and trying to survive without our weekly drive through dinners. Getting outside every day (when the weather cooperates) has been absolutely life-saving -- I've never been more grateful for our yard and swing set.

How are you all, friends? Hanging in there, I hope? Tell me what you're doing to survive in social distancing. And if you need some obnoxious children to FaceTime you, hit me up and we can have a virtual playdate.
