Felix Joseph Gokie, born May 1, 2019 at 8:08 a.m. weighing 7 lbs 15 oz!
We are FLOORED that we have a boy to add to this crazy gang, and are all so so happy he's here. (He even came early...WHAT!)
I'm not going to spoil what will be his birth story coming to a blog near you soon, but suffice it to say that he's perfect and we all love him very, very much. Thank you to all who've prayed for us! <3
David, Hannah, Kateri, Cora, and Felix Gokie
We are FLOORED that we have a boy to add to this crazy gang, and are all so so happy he's here. (He even came early...WHAT!)
I'm not going to spoil what will be his birth story coming to a blog near you soon, but suffice it to say that he's perfect and we all love him very, very much. Thank you to all who've prayed for us! <3
David, Hannah, Kateri, Cora, and Felix Gokie
YAY!!! Congrats!!! He is just adorable.