Summer dayyyyyzzz

So summer hasn't even technically started yet, but tell that to Nebraska weather -- it's been reaching 100° ever since Memorial Day weekend around here, so we've been full-on summer living for a few weeks now.

Last summer we stayed inside a lot. Cora was only a baby, and I got really nervous about her overheating a lot, because she runs very warm. Plus there are only so many baby-approved activities you can do when it's so hot out! All that to say, this summer I'm trying to be outside more and more. The instantaneous tan I'm achieving is a little bit of a bonus. (I tan very very easily. #blessed)

So we've been going to parks, and using our zoo membership for small trips, and venturing outside to get really sweaty after naptime, and taking long walks with our double stroller during the witching hour because I can pretty much guarantee at least 30 minutes of silence whenever I plop them in that thing. Not sleeping, of course, my children have NEVER willingly fallen asleep in a stroller. I think Kate took two stroller naps her entire life, one at like 4 months old, and one when she was way past naptime on our trip to Philly when she was 12 months old.

We didn't go to a SINGLE splash pad last summer. So this photo is pictorial evidence of Kate's first splash pad experience! We have an awesome one at the zoo here (Omaha Zoo ftw!!!) and I think we will be making lots and lots of trips back this summer to take advantage of it. It took her a little while to warm up to the idea of getting wet (typical firstborn attitude, especially since it was soooo hot out) but then she didn't want to leave. Cora sat on my lap the entire time, content with being entertained by the millions of children screaming and playing for her to watch. I think she'll get brave enough to go in soon.

She was pretty pleased with her peanut butter & jelly lunch afterwards, though. ;)

Park fun! Seeing these two interact as little sisters who can sort of play together instead of just existing near each other is just THE MOST FUN. Why did no one tell me this was like, the best part of parenting?? Maybe they did and I just didn't listen. It's seriously so fun. And funny. And there's fighting, of course, but the laughing makes up for all the fighting.

Cora's an extreme daredevil at parks. She just likes to make as fast of a beeline as possible right for the precarious edges everywhere, all while I chase after her like a maniac or Kate bellows as loud as she can to "STOP CORAAAAAA!!!!". We make for quite a spectacle.

The other fun bit of summer playtime and getting sweaty is really, really good naps. It's not always consistent, but both girls have been napping for 2-2.5 hours at the same time in the afternoon most days, and it is a sanity saver. And a career saver. I get my best work hours done during their sleeping time and I'm already dreading when it's not a coincidental nap, or when Kate drops hers. She usually sleeps longer than Cora, though, so I'm not worried about it for at least awhile. #fingerscrossed

Otherwise not much crazy going on at casa Gokie. Oh, except for these two crazies.

Oh, and the fact that we're starting our kitchen renovation. If you want more details on that you should watch my Instagram Stories because I have just given up on regular blogging in this season of life. I'm sure eventually I'll have a before-and-after post for the kitchen, because those are the BEST. But if you like nitty-gritty details and in-process stuff I'm detailing all that on Instagram.

Speaking of sleeping babes and work to do, I've got to get some more work done before Cora wakes up. How's your summer? What's some fun summer stuff we should do? Hit me up!
