cora jane // 13 months
things I want to remember right now
the way she grabs both my shoulders to plant a kiss on my lips
her adorable bounce-dance that happens whenever music comes on
the near-constant stream of babble and noises she makes when playing
how deep her belly laugh is when she's tickled
her pudgy cheeks stuffed full of crackers
the little fountain ponytail that defines her personality
the lean in and snuggle she does every time I sing her lullaby
the perfect posture and concerned face she gets when she's concentrating hard on something
her laugh of surprise when she opens books and there's still pictures there
her love of PB&J
the way she'll crawl amazingly fast towards you and then stop a foot away, flop on her belly, and just cheesy smile up at you until you respond
the way she says Sherry (Tee-ee!) and kitten (it-en!) and MAMAMAMA
how she crawls to Kate's bedroom door and bangs on it whenever Kate's in timeout
her tentative steps, holding on fiercely to my hands and then begrudgingly letting go, always ending in a belly laugh when she falls
her sweet baby smell that is fading, and I miss already
the love I can see in her eyes when she looks at any of us
eventually I will write up a formal post about our newly-minted one year old, but until then, we love you darling girl. keep us joyful as you always are.
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