Cora, 11 months (bonus 10 month photos!)

Cora is just shy of one year old and wowza, that doesn't get any easier to say the more I say it. This post has been sitting in my drafts for a few weeks so it's behind as well, but c'est la vie.


Weight: 24.5 lbs by the home scale, but she wiggles around so much on it that that's probably not accurate.

Height: no clue, but too long for 12 month pajamas and 18 months are too long.

Firsts these two months: crawling like a normal baby (instead of her weird slide crawl that she hung on to for a long time), tentatively standing up without grabbing something, etc.

Nicknames: nothing new

Other things to note:
-- Cora is an eating machine. We're done nursing so she's all solid food, and she eats an enormous amount. She eats more than Kitty, who I think eats a lot for a toddler. A normal lunch for her is a full PB&J, a cheese stick, some veggie straws, and an entire plum.
-- She does this adorable laugh thing when there's a lot of us laughing - she'll join in with this totally obviously fake laugh, because she sees everyone else laughing. It is hilarious. I need to get it on video sometime soon.
-- She's still napping twice a day, most days. She fights naps way more frequently than Kate ever did, but oh well. Usually she sleeps from 10:30-12 and then from 2:30-4:00, give or take. She has a hard time falling asleep if there's any noise or distraction, and the car doesn't usually work unless she's way overtired.
-- Her dancing is another one of my favorite things. She'll hold onto the edge of the coffee table or couch, and just slightly bounce up and down if she hears a song she likes. It's as cute as can be.
-- I can already tell she's more opinionated than I could have anticipated. She wants specific foods, wants you to hold her but not for too long, wants a certain toy, etc. etc.
-- With David's cancer diagnosis, I didn't get around to writing a 10 month post but I took the photos, so they're below!

We <3 you baby!
