David Leo, 324 months

David turned 324 months old today, aka 27, so here's a post to celebrate him! He's growing SO big and has been doing all sorts of new tricks that documenting them all was vital for his birthday. ;)

Height: 6'1"
Weight: undisclosed via privacy request of the man in question (I'm assuming)
Nicknames: Dada, Dad, DAVID (when Kitty gets very upset that someone isn't listening to her, she reminds us all that she knows our real names and shouts them vehemently), Daaaaaaa (Cora)
Firsts this month: turning 27 I mean 324 months, having a real bummer of an infection that's taken a few weeks to kick, going to a pumpkin patch as an adult!

Other things to note:
He's still as selfless and as fun as ever, keeping this family trucking along with house projects, doing all the dishes, handling bathtime and screaming children during the witching hour, and generally being a rockstar. This couple weeks of sickness has thrown our routine out the window, but we're extra grateful it hasn't been anything too serious.

For his birthday he requested nothing too elaborate, so we celebrated with his family this weekend in Columbus and will celebrate both tonight and Wednesday (tonight our immediate fam, Wednesday with my side) with his favorite foods: Raising Cane's, cake, and a birthday reward venti caramel frappucino. (Bonus tip: you don't even have to load any money onto a reward account to get a birthday freebie -- David never has his Starbucks app loaded and he gets one every year! Yay for free things!)

He's been extra helpful on the weekends, taking the girls so I can go try to frantically copyedit a manuscript for hours on end. We're kind of itching to start a new house project since the outside is basically done (until we landscape next spring), so we'll see what that ends up being. He's been wanting to get the garage finished and organized, since we'll use it for projects during the winter, so that might be next.

All in all we are lucky to have such a loving, caring, hard-working, goofy man around to balance out all the female craziness going on in our house (currently outnumbered 4-to-1), and we're grateful for every minute we have with him.

We love you, Dada/David! Happy birthday!!!
Hannah, Kateri, and Cora
