highs and lows

-- I bought two different 8x10 rugs in the last couple weeks for $100 each and I felt like a rug-buying superwoman. Kate's bedroom and the nursery finally now have rugs that fit their respective room sizes, and David's forbidden me from buying another rug for a very long time.

Target rug (I can't remember the name!), $99...I was so proud of myself.

At Home, $100. 
-- One of the nights we spent at my parents this weekend, Kate was inexplicably awake (and I mean, AWAKE) from 2:00-4:30. A. M. We have no idea what caused it but none of our usual tricks worked - laying her back down, giving her a little Tylenol, rocking her in my arms, etc. etc. So eventually we brought her into bed with us and she finally fell asleep. It was exhausting to say the least and wow, I give new props to those who share beds or who have toddlers with sleep problems. Not for the faint of heart.

-- We got to go to a home Husker football game for the first time in years thanks to our awesome sister and brother-in-law who couldn't use their tickets. It was a great night out sans-Kitty and the Huskers won and the weather was mostly cooperative (a little rain for a bit but not too long). Plus the last time we were at a game, I was pregnant with Kate and it was an away game at Purdue, and before that the last time we'd been was during college. So it was a lot of fun! (But whew, stadium seats are not for 27-week pregnant ladies. Ouch.)

-- Murphy keeps somehow getting into a bunch of sap in our backyard - probably from the trees David has trimmed in the last few weeks. You know what is impossible to get out of golden retriever fur? Tree sap. It's terrible and she can't even get it out herself, licking it like crazy, so she just ends up getting tons of dog saliva on herself and then it rubs off on the carpet and I step in it and I don't know what it is. Yummo.

-- The baby has been super active lately - pretty predictably, whenever I lay down in bed for the night, they're really active for about half an hour. Last night the kicks were so strong that they were visible (!!) and the baby and David were having a call-and-response game and it was awesome. I remember this stage with Kate a little bit, at least the fact that at this point she wasn't too squished yet so she could still kick a lot. But it does seem like this baby kicks for longer periods of time than Kate ever did.

-- Not truly low, but I'm getting a little stressed about all the things we have left to do before baby gets here...and really, it's probably just my nesting energy emerging a little early. But we have tons to do! And the time is dwindling, and I keep thinking of things to add to the list.

-- To end on the highest of highs, last week I went on a Target run and while walking in the door, thought to myself "Okay, Hannah, you don't need to get coffee today, you had it the last two times at Target so you should think of the budget and resist." Then the girl behind the counter made eye contact with me while I was buckling Kate into her seat, and beckoned me over and said "Hey, our computers are down...do you want a free coffee? I'm just giving it away to everyone since that's our policy and you looked like you might want some." WIN. So I got free coffee and it was a fantastic treat on a Monday morning.

the sunset at the game coincided with the first touchdown and produced BEAUTY. 
pax --


  1. I love all this!! I think your rug picks are fantastic as ever!!! Love love it. And baby kicks like that are just the best, makes me almost wanna get pregnant again, (not! [yet!]) but ug the tree sap and the stadum seats sounds so awful.... And the awake toddler... Noooo!!!

  2. I love all this!! I think your rug picks are fantastic as ever!!! Love love it. And baby kicks like that are just the best, makes me almost wanna get pregnant again, (not! [yet!]) but ug the tree sap and the stadum seats sounds so awful.... And the awake toddler... Noooo!!!


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